30 Fun Trampoline Games for Kids & Adults

Trampoline games enhance fitness and joy, offering entertainment for all ages. They spark creativity and encourage active play.

Trampolines aren’t just great for solo jumping; they’re perfect for injecting fun into fitness and bonding time for kids and adults alike. These games transform a simple backyard trampoline into an arena of endless fun and laughter. With safety as a priority, trampoline games can provide hours of entertainment while also benefiting coordination, balance, and overall physical health.

Delight in the giggles and excitement of dodgeball, crack-the-egg, or some friendly trampoline basketball. Each activity is designed to get everyone moving, interacting, and enjoying the outdoors. Competitive spirits can thrive with games like trampoline whistles or keep away, while those seeking a more relaxed vibe may prefer memory bounce or trampoline Simon says. The versatility of trampoline games means that there’s something for the eager toddler, the energetic teenager, or even the young-at-heart adult, making it the ultimate addition to family playtime.

30 Fun Trampoline Games for Kids & Adults

Credit: us.acon24.com

Jumping Into Fun: Trampoline Basics

Welcome to the thrilling world of trampoline games, where every bounce brings a burst of exhilaration! Get ready to leap into a playground in the sky, where the rules of gravity seem to bend with every jump. Fasten your springs, and let’s dive into the joyous realm of trampolines where adventure meets the air!

Safety First: Preparing For Play

Before bouncing into the sky, it’s crucial to talk about safety. A secure playtime equals longer fun. Adhering to safety measures can prevent injuries and ensure that the fun never stops. Make sure to follow these vital guidelines:

  • Always supervise children on the trampoline.
  • Use trampolines with sturdy safety nets.
  • Limit the number of users at a time.
  • Empty pockets and remove hard accessories.
  • Start with basic jumps before attempting tricks.

Choosing The Right Trampoline: Size And Type

Opting for the perfect trampoline is your first step towards unlimited fun. The size and type matter a lot. It’s all about space and purpose. Here’s a quick guide to help you select the one that’s right for you:

Trampoline Type Recommended Size Best For
Mini Trampolines 3-6 feet in diameter Individual play, indoor use
Medium Round Trampolines 8-12 feet in diameter Backyard use, families
Large Round Trampolines 14-17 feet in diameter Multiple users, trick jumps
Rectangular Trampolines Various sizes Athletic training, gymnasts

Select a trampoline that fits your yard and matches your bouncing dreams. Each type caters to different needs, from energetic flips to joyful hops. Keep in mind the users’ ages, skills, and the space at hand.

Solo Bounce Adventures: Single Player Games

Welcome to the world of Solo Bounce Adventures, where the trampoline transforms into a personal playground. These single player games are perfect for when friends aren’t around, or when someone wants to challenge themselves. Great for all ages, they boost fitness, coordination, and fun!

Crack The Egg: Testing Balance And Core Strength

Get ready to improve your balance and strengthen your core with “Crack the Egg”. This is a solo version of the popular group game and it’s just as thrilling.

  • Sit in the center of the trampoline with knees drawn to your chest.
  • Wrap your arms around your legs, like you’re an egg.
  • Start bouncing without letting go of your legs.
  • The goal is to stay in your “egg” form, without “cracking”, for as long as possible.

This game requires focus and engages your core muscles, making it a fun fitness challenge.

Bounce-off: A Timed Jumping Challenge

Bounce-Off is all about beating the clock. It’s a pulse-raising game that tests your endurance and agility.

  1. Set a timer for a minute or more, depending on your level.
  2. Start with a basic bounce and gradually add in tricks and flips.
  3. Keep jumping until the timer goes off.

Tally the number of jumps or tricks you land in the set time. Try to beat your own record with each attempt!

Group Dynamics: Multiplayer Trampoline Activities

Jumping on a trampoline is a bundle of laughs and excitement. It gets even better with friends! Group activities on a trampoline can help build coordination, communication skills, and teamwork. Ready to elevate the fun? Here are two multiplayer trampoline games that everyone will love!

Trampoline Twister: A Twist On The Classic Game

Trampoline Twister takes the color-filled classic and puts it in the air. Grab a Twister spinner or call out commands. Watch as players bend and stretch to keep their balance! This game is perfect for all ages and helps improve flexibility.

  • Setting up: Use colored chalk to draw circles on the trampoline mat.
  • Playing: Follow the spinner’s instructions to touch the colored circles with hands and feet.
  • Winning: The last person standing without falling over wins!

Dodgeball: A High-flying Version Of The Schoolyard Favorite

Trampoline Dodgeball adds an exciting bounce to the traditional game. Form two teams. Dodge the ball while jumping around! This game demands quick reflexes and high energy. To play safely, use soft balls.

  • Setting up: Divide the trampoline into two halves using chalk or a rope.
  • Playing: Players must avoid getting hit by the ball while staying on their side.
  • Winning: Knock out all players on the opposing team to win!
30 Fun Trampoline Games for Kids & Adults

Credit: runwildmychild.com

Teamwork In The Air: Cooperative Games

Trampolines aren’t just for solo bouncing. They’re perfect for team games that combine fun and fitness. Gather friends or family and get ready to play some exciting games that require teamwork. Cooperation is key as players must work together, adding a new twist to the joy of trampolines!

Bounce Basketball: Scoring Hoops On Springs

Kids and adults unite for a twist on basketball. In this game, players work together to score hoops. The trampoline adds an extra challenge, making every jump and dunk an exhilarating experience.

  • Form two teams.
  • Use a soft ball to ensure safety.
  • Aim to shoot the ball into a hoop while bouncing.

Players pass, leap, and score together, building both team spirit and coordination. Every bounce could lead to an epic slam dunk!

Volleyball Bounce: A Gravity-defying Team Sport

Turn your trampoline into a volleyball court with Volleyball Bounce. It’s all about teamwork and timing as you defy gravity!

  1. Split into two teams.
  2. Use a beach ball or a soft volleyball.
  3. Bounce and pass the ball over a net or a designated line.

Keep track of points as teams serve, set, and spike. This game is a thrilling way to enhance cooperative skills and have a blast with each jump.

Nighttime Bounce Fest: Led And Glow-in-the-dark Games

As the sun dips below the horizon, the trampoline transforms into an arena of glowing excitement. Kids and adults alike can enjoy the thrill of bouncing under the stars with LED lights twinkling like fireflies. Prepare for a night filled with laughter, energy, and illuminated fun as we dive into some of the most enjoyable night-time trampoline games.

!– Glow Stick Tag: An Illuminated Chase —

Glow Stick Tag turns the classic game of tag into a vibrant, after-dark adventure. Before starting, each player receives a glow stick. The person who is ‘it’ tries to tag others, creating a dynamic chase. The glow sticks make it easy to see everyone, but the bouncing adds a twist! Avoid getting tagged and enjoy the thrill of the chase.

  • Equipment Needed: Glow sticks in various colors
  • Players: Minimum of 3 for a good game
  • Objective: Avoid being tagged by the ‘it’ person

!– Starry Sky Bounce: Counting Constellations While Jumping —

Starry Sky Bounce combines the joy of jumping with a celestial quest. Each player picks a constellation to find in the sky. As they bounce, they count how many times they can spot their constellation. It’s a magical way to learn about stars while engaging in healthy exercise.

Add more rows as needed
Constellation Times Spotted
Orion 5
Ursa Major 3

Fitness Meets Fun: Trampoline Workouts

Forget the gym’s four walls and step onto a trampoline for an invigorating workout. Trampoline exercises offer a unique combination of high-energy cardio and body toning with the sheer joy of bouncing. Perfect for all ages, these workouts make exercise feel like playtime. Get ready to transform your fitness routine into an exhilarating adventure that defies gravity and elevates spirits.

Bounce Fit: High-intensity Interval Training (hiit)

Turn up the heat with Bounce Fit, a trampoline-based HIIT workout. This fun twist to traditional HIIT sessions gets your heart racing and burns calories fast.

  • Warm up with gentle bounces.
  • Alternate intense bursts of jump combinations with slower, controlled movements.
  • Cool down with stretches on the trampoline mat.

Track your time with a stopwatch and push your limits for short, effective workouts.

Yoga Bounce: Balancing Poses With A Springy Twist

Incorporate the Yoga Bounce into your routine for a playful approach to balance and core strengthening. Perform yoga poses on a flexible surface for an added challenge.

Yoga Pose Benefits
Tree Pose Improves focus and stability.
Warrior III Strengthens legs and core.
Seated Twist Enhances spine flexibility.

Bouncing lightly between poses helps to reset your balance and gets you ready for the next challenge.

Thematic Bounce Play: Seasonal And Celebration Games

From the rustle of autumn leaves to the sparkle of holiday lights, trampolines offer the perfect setting for themed games that celebrate the seasons and special occasions. Transform every bounce into laughter-filled memories with these imaginative games tailored for kids and adults alike.

Holiday Hops: Themed Games For Special Occasions

Each holiday brings its own vibe, and what better way to amplify that than with festive trampoline games? Capture the spirit of any holiday with activities designed to match.

  • Halloween Ghost Bounce: Don spooky masks and float like phantoms with each leap.
  • Christmas Chimney Challenge: Pretend to jump down chimneys delivering gifts.
  • Fourth of July Fireworks: Pop like fireworks into the sky with each jump.

Birthday Bounce: Party Games With A Trampoline Twist

A birthday party gets even more exciting with a trampoline. Add a twist to classic party games and watch the fun unfold.

Game Description
Hot Potato Bounce: Pass a ball around while bouncing; don’t get caught with it when music stops.
Balloon Pop Relay: Teams compete to pop balloons between their knees while jumping.
Bounce Freeze Dance: Bounce to music; freeze in mid-air when the music stops.
30 Fun Trampoline Games for Kids & Adults

Credit: icebreakerideas.com

Adapting Classic Games: Trampoline Editions

Everybody loves a good old fashioned game, but have you ever played them on a trampoline? Bouncing adds a whole new level of fun to these time-honored classics. Let’s jump into how you can transform your trampoline into an arena of joy with these adapted games.

Simon Says: Directional Jumps On Command

Simon Says takes a thrilling twist with this trampoline edition. Follow the leader’s commands, but only when “Simon says”. Miss a direction or jump without the magic words? You’re out! This game tests your listening skills and your ability to stay airborne!

  • Simon says: Jump high!
  • Simon says: Twist in the air!
  • Now, touch your toes! — Did Simon say so?

Treasure Bounce: An Aerial Scavenger Hunt

This game combines the joy of scavenging with the excitement of bouncing. Hide pictures of treasures around the trampoline and let the hunters leap and look for them. Each found treasure earns a point. Who will be the high-flying treasure champion?

Trampoline Treasure Items & Points
Treasure Item Points
Golden Star 5
Silver Moon 3
Bronze Coin 1

Challenging The Vertical Limit: Competitive Jumping Games

When it’s time to amp up the excitement and challenge on a trampoline, competitive jumping games are a perfect choice. Both kids and adults can test their agility and enjoy a touch of friendly competition. Expect laughter, high-energy fun, and an exhilarating push against gravity.

High Jump: Reaching New Heights

Test your limits with High Jump, a game that inspires everyone to reach new heights. Participants take turns bouncing as high as they can. A judge, or a high-tech sensor, can determine who achieves the ultimate sky-high leap. It’s simple, thrilling, and an excellent way to measure individual jumping prowess.

  • Everyone takes turns jumping.
  • Aim for maximum height.
  • Keep track of each jumper’s highest point.
  • Celebrate personal records and top performers!

Bounce Race: A Circuit Of Trampoline Obstacles

Bring obstacle racing right onto the trampoline with Bounce Race. This game involves a series of jumping tasks. Players navigate through hurdles, maybe bounce on designated markers, or perform specific tricks in sequence. It’s a creative blend of speed and control that will ignite everyone’s competitive spirit.

Task Description
1. Hurdle Jump Clear obstacles with precision.
2. Marker Bounce Hit all markers with both feet.
3. Trick Sequence Complete set of designated tricks.

Scores are based on speed and accuracy. Finish the circuit flawlessly and quickly to win!

Wrapping Up: Post-game Cool Down And Maintenance Tips

After a day full of trampoline games, it’s essential to wind down safely and keep your trampoline in top shape. Kids and adults alike need to cool down their muscles to prevent soreness. Meanwhile, proper trampoline maintenance ensures the fun never ends. Read on for effective cool-down strategies and maintenance tips.

Stretch And Bounce: Cooling Down After The Fun

A gentle stretch and bounce session helps muscles relax after trampoline activities. Start with simple moves and keep it fun. Try these steps for a smooth transition from playtime to rest:

  • Slow your bounce: Gradually reduce the height and intensity of your jumps.
  • Stretch it out: Focus on gentle stretching for legs, arms, and back muscles.
  • Deep breathing: Encourage deep, slow breaths to lower heart rate.
  • Hydrate: Drink water to replenish fluids and aid muscle recovery.

Keeping Your Trampoline Ready For The Next Game

Long-lasting trampoline fun requires regular care. Follow these quick maintenance steps for a safe and inviting trampoline:

  1. Inspect the mat and net: Look for tears or holes and repair them promptly.
  2. Clean the surface: Use a soft brush and mild soap to keep the mat clean.
  3. Check the springs: Ensure all springs are intact and correctly attached.
  4. Cover when not in use: Protect the trampoline with a weather-resistant cover.
  5. Store during extreme weather: Disassemble and store away to avoid damage.

By incorporating these essential cool-down exercises and maintenance routines, you extend the life of your trampoline and ensure every game is safe and enjoyable.

Frequently Asked Questions Of 30 Fun Trampoline Games For Kids & Adults

What Are Popular Trampoline Games For Kids?

Trampoline games for kids often include “Hot Potato,” “Crack the Egg,” and “Simon Says. ” These games help improve coordination and balance, while also providing a fun way to exercise. Small groups can easily enjoy these games on a trampoline for hours of entertainment.

Can Adults Also Enjoy Trampoline Games?

Yes, adults can enjoy trampoline games such as “Trampoline Dodgeball,” “H-O-R-S-E,” and “Trampoline Volleyball. ” These games offer a great mix of fun and physical activity, making them perfect for adult gatherings or family fun where everyone can join in.

How To Play “crack The Egg” On A Trampoline?

To play “Crack the Egg,” one person sits in the middle of the trampoline with their knees tucked in, holding them with their arms. The other players jump around them trying to make the “egg” (the person in the center) release their arms and “crack” without making physical contact.

Are Trampoline Games Safe For All?

Most trampoline games can be safe if played with proper precautions, such as using a safety net and ensuring the trampoline is in good condition. Supervision for children and taking turns are also important. Participants should be mindful of their abilities to avoid injuries.


Wrapping up, these 30 trampoline games promise exhilarating fun for all ages. They’re a fantastic way to boost physical activity and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a seasoned jumper or new to the trampoline, there’s joy in every bounce. So, energize your next outdoor gathering with these creative, gravity-defying games!